Rickshaw Travel

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Coronavirus Travel Advice

Many of us are now beginning to dream about our next holidays and we can once again allow ourselves to be optimistic about making new travel plans. Of course, we want to ensure that you have an amazing time away with us and your safety whilst travelling is our top priority at all times. We are here to answer all your travel questions about coronavirus and help you choose a suitable destination. We are in regular contact with our reliable local partners, carefully monitoring developments and continuously adapting measures to ensure you are fully protected you whilst travelling.

Scroll down for relevant and up-to-date travel information about coronavirus and we will be happy to answer any further questions that you might have.

Travelling safely with Rickshaw Travel

Where necessary, we have adapted our trips to make them as safe as possible and we only work with local agents who maintain the highest hygiene standards.

✔ Receive up-to-date corona information from our local partners
✔ Travel away from the crowds
✔ Sleep in small-scale and personal hotels with approved safety measures
✔ Travel with your own transport where possible, away from crowded public transport
✔ Receive useful advice on travel insurance

Receive up-to-date travel information from our local partners

In all of our destinations, we work work with a team of local partners and are in close contact with them, so that we know first-hand about corona outbreaks and safety measures. As well as this, whilst in destination you’ll have an emergency contact number for the partner, so that you can easily skip a spot and stay in another hotel. This way, you’ll always have up-to-date information and can enjoy optimal flexibility.

Travel away from the crowds for an authentic experience

Your trip will take you off the beaten path, skipping the busy crowds where possible. This is something we have always offered our customers, because we want you to have an authentic experience of the country you visit. We only offer hotels, excursions and activities where mass tourism is avoided and we arrange visits to busier sights outside the peak times. During these times, it is even more beneficial to travel this way, as it means avoiding unnecessary contact with other travellers as much as possible. Together with your travel specialist, you can choose to skip certain cities and build a safe journey that makes you comfortable.

Sleep in small-scale and personal hotels with approved safety measures

The places where you stay during your trip can make all the difference in the overall travel experience. We have always avoided large, chain hotels and have been proud to instead select small-scale, locally-owned accommodation for our trips, as a way of supporting the local community. This is particularly advantageous, as it means we can closely monitor the safety measures in place and you will avoid overly crowded communal areas. Sleep in a hut on the beach, glamping tents in wilderness, houseboats on river, jungle tree houses and boutique B&B’s. Measures have been taken at all locations to ensure a safe stay throughout.

Travel with your own transport where possible, away from crowded public transport

You travel independently when travelling with us. We ensure that you can get to as many places as possible with your own transport and that the distances are manageable at the same time. Where possible, you’ll have the option to travel with a rental car or a car with a private driver, avoiding unnecessary contact with people. This way you can enjoy the ultimate freedom with fewer corona risks. Of course you can still take public transport and sometimes it is necessary, so we’ll advise you about the best situation and possibilities for you to decide.

Receive useful advice on travel insurance

We do not sell travel insurance directly (we leave that to the experts) but we do recommend using a well-established insurance company and we have found Campbell Irvine’s policy more than suitable for many of our customers differing needs. They offer both annual multi-trip and single trip policies, including coronavirus cover. By taking out insurance you’ll avoid any unexpected high expenses if things turn out differently than planned.

Book with flexibility, travel with confidence

Covid-19 has affected the world more than we could have ever expected. The outbreak continues to have an overwhelming impact on the travel industry, and the world at large.  We must now change and adapt to overcome the new challenges and possibilities that exist.

The situation has been difficult, but our experienced team has worked together to ensure that we can continue doing what we love most; sending our customers on adventures that will create memories to last a lifetime. Making good things happen through travel.

Behind the scenes, we’re looking forward, we’re making changes and we’re putting extra steps in place to minimise risks. That is why we have introduced our standard-flex booking conditions to reflect these ever-changing times.

Free cancellation of your trip 30 days before departure
Free change of date up to 30 days before departure
Free change of destination up to 30 days before departure
Book with only a 10% deposit plus the cost of your flights
Valid for all departures in 2022 (except July, August and December)
No additional cost