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FAQ China

Visiting any new place often involves some sort of mix of excitement and nerves at everything you need to do.

To help you focus on the excitement instead of the admin, our China Travel Specialists have compiled their first-hand knowledge to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from our travellers below.

Whilst we have done our best to cover as much as possible, if you still have questions then feel free to get in touch with our destination experts.

Before departure

  • How long does my passport need to be valid for?
  • Do I need a visa to visit China?
  • Do I need travel insurance for my trip?
  • What should I pack for a trip to China?
  • What vaccinations do I need to visit China?


  • What do I need to think about on the day of departure?


  • What language do people speak in China?
  • What is the food like in China?
  • What aspects of Chinese culture do I need to take into account?


  • Is it safe to travel to China?
  • What do I do if I have a problem?

Tips and practical information

  • What is the local currency in China?
  • How does tipping in China work?