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FAQ Mexico

Village in Yucatan Region Mexico

When you are planning a trip there are always a list of questions that come up, plus some you don’t even think of asking. We’ve put together a list of questions our Mexico Travel Specialists get asked and additional helpful information.

If you have any further questions please do get in touch with our specialist team who will be happy to help.

Before departure

  • How long does my passport need to be valid for?
  • Do I need a visa to visit Mexico?
  • Do I need travel insurance for my trip?
  • What should I pack for a trip to Mexico?
  • What vaccinations do I need for Mexico?


  • What do I need to think about on the day of departure?


  • What language do people speak in Mexico?
  • What is the food like in Mexico?
  • What aspects of Mexican culture do I need to take into account?


  • Is it safe to travel to Mexico?
  • What do I do if I have a problem?

Tips and practical information

  • What is the local currency in Mexico?
  • How does tipping in Mexico work?