Discover the colourful wildlife of Malaysia
Both above and below the water, Malaysia’s wildlife is wonderful. Exotic birds twitter in the jungle canopy, spider monkeys play in the branches and monitor lizards hide between the rocks. We’ve pulled together some of our favourite places and experiences in Malaysia that bring you closer to the wildlife.

Explore the world’s oldest rainforest
Billed as the most ancient rainforest on the planet, Taman Negara has withstood Ice Ages and volcanic eruptions. All kinds of intriguing wildlife hides down on the valley floor and up in the treetops. Trekking through the jungle canopy and sailing along overgrown rivers, you’re likely to see monkeys, snakes, lizards and small deer. You might even stumble across the odd wild elephant. It’s brilliant birding territory, so keep your binoculars at the ready.
Take a night safari in Taman Negara
Just before night falls, the jungle chorus becomes a deafening cacophony of gibbons, cicadas, crickets and frogs. It’s a hugely atmospheric time of day and a great time to set off on safari. Skittish sambar deer appear at night, along with tapirs, owls, mousedeer and slow loris. Leaves rustle with furtive movement, bright eyes glow in the dark and the valley floor crawls with activity. It’s nerve-tingling stuff.

Spot monkeys in Belum rainforest
The Belum Rainforest is rarely visited but crammed to the canopy with wildlife. Translated to English, Belum means ‘land before time’. The branches sing with birdlife and the hidden jungle is home to 14 of the world’s most threatened mammals, including the Malaysian Tiger, Malaysian Sunbear, Sumatran Rhinoceros, the White-handed Gibbon, Asiatic Elephant, and Malayan Tapir. If you’re after a remote wildlife adventure away from tourist crowds, it’s just the ticket.
Camp in remote Endau Rompin
Endau Rompin is a huge tropical wilderness criss-crossed with small rivers and waterfalls. Here, there’s a handful of highly endangered mammals in the Malayan tiger and Sumatran rhinoceros. While you’re unlikely to see a tiger, it’s sometimes possible to spot herds of elephants around sunset. Camping in Endau Rompin will make you feel deliciously lost in the jungle, as monkeys cackle in the trees and the forest rustles with birds.

Secret snorkelling hotspots
Below Malaysia’s clear, calm waters there’s a whole world of wildlife to explore. The tropical islands strung along the east coast are home to thriving coral reefs, and multi-coloured marine life. Island-hopping in this area, you can snorkel over coral gardens, swim with whole families of sea turtles and take some world-class dives. If you love getting below the waves, it’s a real winner.