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Miles’ top five favourite dishes in Japan

Our very own Japan Travel Specialist Miles recently came back from an epic trip through Japan. From soaking up the culture in Tokyo to learning to dye his own fabric, it was a trip full of interesting experiences and stunning landscapes. But no trip to Japan would be complete without all the amazing food, so read on to hear about his top experiences and, of course, his favourite dishes…

My trip to Japan was an unforgettable experience filled with pinch-me moments

I loved visiting Mount Fuji and Hakone, where the breathtaking landscapes left me in awe – the natural beauty here is out of this world. We did part of the Ohachi Meguri trail, which takes you around the crater summit through woodland. I would also recommend a visit to the Mount Fuji World Heritage Centre.

Visiting this iconic symbol of Japan was certainly something I was thrilled to tick off my bucket list! I also enjoyed exploring Hakone – this area is renowned for its hot springs, lakes, and tranquility, well away from bustling city life and it certainly lives up to the hype. Here I also tried the delicacy of Kurotamago, or black eggs. These are only found in Owakudani, an arresting volcanic valley laced-through with sulphur vents and hot springs. The eggs are actually cooked in sulphur and it is tradition to say a prayer, then eat the egg to increase your life expectancy by seven years. I can’t vouch for this but it was tasty!

Black egg with Mt Fuji in the distance
Bullet train at station in Japan


Getting around Japan on the bullet trains was great fun! Reaching up to speeds of 200 mph, the journey is smooth, comfortable and extremely punctual. We can organise your rail passes for your Japan holiday as part of your itinerary so it’s super easy.

Now onto the food….my culinary journey through Japan thoroughly captured my heart. From savouring sushi to indulging in street food, each meal was masterpiece and taste-explosion combined. The artistry and precision in Japanese cuisine is mind-blowing!

1. Ushio-jiru - Clam Soup

I had this for breakfast at the ryokan we stayed at. After first finding it a little unusual to have clam soup for breakfast, I looked past that and went in for a taste… it was SO tasty.

Whilst I still might stick to Weetabix for my brekkie, I will certainly never question clam soup again if it’s served to me!

Clam soup in Japan
Yakisoba noodles in Japan

2. Fujinomiya Yakisoba - Noodles

Yakisoba noodles are very similar to the more commonly-known “soba” noodles, but thicker and made from wheat flour instead of buckwheat flour like soba noodles.

Fujinomiya Yakisoba is a local dish from the town of Fujinomiya. Beautifully picturesque, this is a city perched on the western slopes of Mount Fuji and its signature dish is made by frying meat, cabbage and the Yakisoba noodles together, before adding a sauce that is like a thick Worcester sauce and topped with bonito flakes. We ate at a lovely little local restaurant called Jinenbo – traditional with tatami-mat seating and low tables where the yakisoba is cooked in front of you on hot plates.

3. Okonomiyaki - Filled Savoury Pancake

This we also had served at the Jinenbo restaurant. They are delicious savoury pancakes that are filled with vegetables, onions, meat and whatever you like, really! Kind of like the Japanese “bubble and squeak”.

Whatever you have left over, you can put in the meal. At Jinenbo, they do a version with the Yakisoba noodles…delish!

Okonomiyaki Pancake in Japan
Pigs trotters in Japan

4. Tonsoku - Pigs Trotters

Yup… I went there. Whilst everyone else in the group turned their noses up at them, I couldn’t get enough! We found a lovely little izakaya, which is a type of informal Japanese bar where they serve alcohol and snacks, in Naha city, Okinawa prefecture. There’s a fascinating history here as Japan’s southern islands were once known as the land of immortals – there is apparently better health enjoyed here compared to America and women live longer here than anywhere else in the world

Maybe there’s something in it, as the trotters they serve taste fatty, but in fact that’s actually the collagen and they are surprisingly nutritious with loads of protein…

5. Yakitori - Chicken Skewers

You can get hold of these absolutely everywhere in Japan and for good reason. We did have them in the same isakaya as the trotters, but wherever you get them, they’re heavenly, really well seasoned and barbecued for a slightly smoky taste. Traditionally served with a beer or high-ball alongside. What can I say, you can’t beat beer and a barbeque!

Yakitori in Japan

Get in touch

If you want to follow in my footsteps and try these amazing dishes for yourself, get in touch  and we can start planning your adventure to Japan together. 

Miles travel specialist Japan waterfall