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Rickshaw Travel

Accommodation in Cambodia


From boutique resorts to local home stays, you’ll stay in accommodation that reflects the character of your location. You will also experience a wide variety of styles and standards, for example you might spend a night with a local family, in a comfortable city hotel, or in a resort on a tropical beach. We use a hand-picked selection of authentic hotels with lots of local character, and therefore steer clear of international chains wherever we can. We personally ensure that each property has the right combination of features such as cleanliness, location, friendly staff and good service.

In Style Accommodation – Category 4

If you want a bit more comfort during your time in Cambodia then our In Style options are the perfect fit. Comfort and location are the most important factors in this category and we have the option to upgrade in most of our destinations within Cambodia. Why not go for a colonial style villa in Siem Reap with a salted swimming pool and lush gardens? Go on, treat yourself!

Standard Accommodation – Category 3

Small-scale hotels and resorts, local charm and a warm inviting atmosphere are all important in this category. You can expect a mid-range bungalow or hotel/guesthouse, usually air-conditioned. Most of our accommodation falls within this category and the cosy hotel we use in our Crab Pots in Kep trip is a perfect example of this category.

Simple Accommodation – Category 2

In more rural areas there isn’t always the same amount of choice when it comes to accommodation, for example during our Mekong, Dolphins and Laos trip you will stay in modest simple hotels, they have all the facilities you’ll need but are maybe not as comfortable as our higher categories.

Siem Reap hotel balcony

Basic Accommodation – Category 1

In this category you really will be going back to basics! If you are heading into the countryside on our At Home in the Cambodian Countryside trip then you will be staying in a small local village. The homestay is quite basic with limited facilites and a shared bathroom. However, spending time with the community gives you a real insight into the lifestyle of the local Cambodian people and although basic, it really is an experience you won’t forget.