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5 Reasons Why We’re Celebrating Brighton Pride

That’s right, we’ll be taking part in the Brighton Pride parade this year! Hooray! We’ve already ordered the biodegradable glitter… But why are we bothering? Here are our 5 reasons why:

1. We’re Brighton Born and Bred

As a Brighton-based business, with genuine Brightonians in our team, we love anything that celebrates our amazing city. Brighton just ain’t like anywhere else and we feel that our LGBTQ+ community is a big part of that.

Brighton pride people
Two men

2. We support LGBTQ+ Rights

Yep, we believe that love is love no matter your gender. We’re all individuals, we’re all different and yet we’re all part of a global community that needs to work together to make the world better for all of us. Brighton Pride is part of that; Brightonians coming together to show their support and belief in equal rights for those who identify as LGBTQ+.

3. We think it’s important to highlight discrimination

It’s a sad thought that the LGBTQ+ community still faces so much discrimination globally, even at home here in Brighton. Well, it shouldn’t be ignored. Highlighting the discrimination that people face is the first step in putting a stop to it. Some of the destinations we send travellers to don’t exactly have squeaky clean records when it comes to LGBTQ+ discrimination. In fact in some, it’s still illegal.

Brazil LGBT family
Cuba beach

4. We believe we can help

So why do we sell destinations that discriminate the LGBTQ+ community? We believe that boycotting places because of their views doesn’t change anything. For us, travel is all about broadening your mind – we’re firm believers that interacting with local people in a meaningful way broadens their minds as well as our own. We believe that through meaningful travel experiences, we can make the world a little better for everyone.

5. We love a good party

Yeah alright, this is a pretty big draw for us! We really do love a good celebration, with plenty of music, dancing and, er, just a few drinks. Ahem. Now, whose round is it?

Team people in costumes