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Rickshaw Travel
Argentina & Antarctica
Argentina nature panorama

Overnight bus in Argentina | Buenos Aires to Bariloche

Getting around on buses on your holiday in Argentina is easy so long as you have plenty of time. A short overnight bus trip would be 13 hours, whilst a longer one will take 20 hours plus. It is a cheap and easy way of getting from A to B, as long as you don’t mind the odd bit of snoring… here are some tips and insights into riding the overnight buses in Argentina from my journey from Buenos Aires to Bariloche:

Comfortable seats

Buses in Argentina tend to be double-decker, and have big comfortable reclining seats, usually 3 seats wide instead of 4 so you get a good amount of space to stretch out. They recline right back to an almost laying down flat position with a foot rest (perfect for snoozing). Pillows and blankets are given out and there are toilets on board.

Argentina Bariloche rickshaw staff travels on overnight bus
Argentina Bariloche staff photo food on overnight bus transport

Meals and refreshments are served regularly and we were served a four-course hot meal with wine that beats any plane food I’ve ever had, plus we were given a night-cap of whiskey before lights out!

Admittedly I was a little concerned about the choice of late night movie “Insomnia” which luckily did not prove itself to be a bad omen. The benefit of travelling by bus on your Argentina holiday is that you get a more accurate sense of the sheer enormity of the country and also some great views along the way.

When you finally arrive and check how far you have come on the map you can hardly believe it! On your Argentina tour you will sometimes find that the only way to reach certain destinations is to use internal flights as they are not suitable to reach by road, so I would recommend mixing up your transport options and including at least one bus journey, as I found it a comfortable and memorable experience.

Argentina El Chalten bus transport