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Rickshaw Travel
Argentina & Antarctica
Argentina bird sat on branch

Responsible travel in Argentina

During our Argentina trips we want to encourage authentic experiences wherever we can. You will find some of the most beautiful areas of South America in Argentina and we want to help keep it that way! From where you stay to how you get around has a huge impact on the destination you are travelling in, here at Rickshaw Travel we believe that travelling with meaning is important for your experience and the local community.

Our trips

Our style of travel is more than just visiting a new country, we want you to experience the real Argentina and come away feeling like you have made new memories. While in Buenos Aires, you’ll be taken on a city tour with a Porteno who will show you the city the way they know it. By recommending their favourite local restaurants and shops this gives you to chance to see Argentina through the eyes of a local.

Buenos Aires local musicians and dancers
hotel in puerto piramides

Our accommodation

When choosing our accommodation options in Argentina we choose small-scale, locally owned properties full of local character and charm. We think this style of accommodation enhances the experience you’ll have in Argentina as well as giving something back to the local communities. From cosy lodges to colonial boutique hotels our accommodation will give you a flavour of the areas you are exploring.

Our Argentina travel specialists

Our specialists are passionate about travel in Argentina, from the small-scale accommodation we offer to the local projects we support. They love to talk about their travel experiences so find out more about them and their handy tips for travelling through Argentina.

Ceri travel specialist sat in Buenos Aires park
Argentina local partners

Our local partners

We work with local partners in Argentina who share our values and meaningful travel mission, offering independent accommodation, community-based tours and using friendly local guides and drivers. This helps give something back to the destination you are travelling in and support local businesses and individuals.