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Rickshaw Travel
Ecuador & Galapagos Islands
Ecuador natural landscape panorama

Ecuador Visa, Passport & Money Advice

When travelling to Ecuador it is important to get to grips with the money, visa and passport matters. We have compiled the most important information to help you plan your exciting adventure.

Visa & Passports

If you’re a British passport holder, you do not need a visa for Ecuador for a visit of up to 90 days. Most countries have this same rule but it is always worth checking with your specific embassy.

For the Galapagos islands, visitors from most countries do not need a visa for a visit of up to 90 days. But you are required to pay 100 USD entrance fee in cash to the Galápagos National Park (50 USD for children). There’s also a 20 USD cash payment for an immigration control card that is payable to INGALA at Quito or Guayaquil airport. Keep hold of this Transit Control Card as it will be checked upon your departure.

Ecuador Galapagos
Ecuador Galapagos Currency

Local currency

Since 2000, USD is the official currency of Ecuador. Money, passports and travellers’ cheques are best left in the hotel safe and we also advise you not to carry all your valuables with you when you go out in the evening.

Credit and Debit Cards

All credit and debit cards with chips are accepted in Ecuador and ATMs are widely available. Look for the BanRed sign as these are a safe network which allow withdrawls from international accounts. If in doubt, just ask one of our Travel Specialists. We suggest keeping some cash in your wallet just in case the ATM network crashes. Visa, MasterCard and sometimes American Express credit cards are widely accepted in larger establishments.

Tips and Haggling

Tipping is customary but it doesn’t have to be a large amount or specific percentage. Tax and service charges are often added to bills, but if you’re impressed with the service, you could choose to tip directly. With a low annual wage, voluntary gratuities from visitors are always welcome, at hotels and with guides and drivers.